5 Benefits of a Personal Care Plan

Did you know we offer Personal Care Plans here at Salt Earth? They are a great way to schedule in and prioritize your health and wellness each and every month. Schedules get busy, but that doesn’t mean your health needs to suffer. Stay at your best by keeping up with your salt treatments, massages, reflexology sessions, and skincare.

Why should you sign up for the Personal Care Plans at Salt Earth? Here are 5 benefits:

1. Depending on which package you purchase you can save $50, $40, or $30 compared to paying for the services separately.

2. Self Care packages are applied monthly until termination. This means skipping the checkout line and never worrying about repurchasing the package!

3. Unused services automatically roll over to the next month, no wasted money!

4. Packages apply to both Melissa and Molly for massage therapy. Get the deal no matter who does your massage!

5. All Self Care Plan members also receive a Sign Up Bonus of a USB Salt Lamp with an LED Light and 10% off any additional products or regular services!

Interested? Contact our front desk to sign up.


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Salt and Senses