Why Salt?

You may be wondering, “why salt?”. What makes salt such a powerful tool in the context of dry salt therapy?

Well, three attributes of salt make it so cleansing and beneficial. Salt is...

1. Absorbent

Salt particles, when inhaled, draw water into the airway and lungs, causing mucus to thin out. This makes coughs more productive and less stressful for clients. It also aides the body's ability to naturally flush out respiratory triggers.

2. Antibacterial

Once in the lungs, salt aerosol can bring about the decrease or elimination of pathogenic microorganisms which can cause issues like pneumonia. These anti-bacterial properties also benefit the skin by killing bacteria that causes skin ailments such as acne and eczema.

3. Anti-inflammatory

Inflammation in the lungs can cause difficulty breathing, can increase congestion, and weaken the lungs over time. The lack of oxygen absorption caused by inflammation can cause fatigue and general drowsiness. Once in the lungs, salt aerosol can bring about the decrease of inflammation in the cells of the airways, reducing these negative symptoms.


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