Salt Therapy and Preventative Care

Salt Therapy is often touted for its ability to treat conditions including respiratory illnesses and skin diseases. However, this treatment is also a powerful tool for preventative care.

Exposure to pollutants, bacteria, and allergens is unavoidable, but Dry Salt Therapy helps counteract that negative exposure by cleaning and detoxifying the lungs, ultimately leading to better lung function and increased immunity.

Salt Therapy also works to normalize breathing rates, decrease blood pressure and relieve tension and stress. Negative ions help increase oxygen levels in the blood and facilitate more efficient oxygen utilization. Additionally, by normalizing serotonin production in the brain, negative ions help to accelerate recovery from chronic fatigue as well as physical recovery from workouts/training sessions, and injury and can help you avoid these symptoms in the first place.

Interested in bringing the whole family in for a Salt Therapy Session? Or maybe investing in some self care with the whole friend group? With our Sanctum Package, you can rent out the entire Salt Room for a single fee creating your own private experience for you and your guests. Plus you can multi task by getting this preventative health care treatment while having a book club meeting, ladies night out, business meeting, bible study, and just about anything you can think of !

To book a sanctum a package , give us a call at (918) 364-7258.


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